Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pregnancy Update

Just got back from the doctor. She said the baby is a swimmer, because it was moving all around when she tried to get the heartbeat. My weight stayed the same, which I am really disappointed about. I really thought I had gained a couple of pounds. She didn’t seem worried about it; she said she thinks I will make a comeback. I talked her into scheduling the ultrasound for 10-9, but I am not sure how I want to announce the sex, if we are able to find out.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I have been thinking about it a lot, and I think I am going to change my original plans on delivery. I have decided I want to try as hard as humanly possible to do it natural. Anyway, I am probably going to be changing practices to one in Jeffersonville that has Drs & Midwives. They also deliver at Clark Memorial, which is the only hospital in the area that is more pro natural birth. It's still IN the hospital, I could still get an epidural if I wanted. I am not one of those who wants to do it at home.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Healthy Baby

I decided today that I don't care what sex the baby is. I know I have said I just want it to be healthy, but now I truly mean it. This is why, but don't read it until you can be alone because it's very sad. Also, there is a box towards the top that has a link to the 2nd part of the story. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/083009thomas_part1.11b55ace4.html

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Not feeling any movement yet. I felt some weird stuff once, but it had to be like a muscle spasm or twitch or something. I have been in maternity clothes, well pants at least since like 7 weeks. But I am having to get more tops now. Not really more energetic yet, but I have come down with a sinus infection so...
Linda and I went shopping last weekend. We got the crib & dresser, they are natural wood & the mattress. We also got the swing & the playpen!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Girl or Boy?

The Intelligender test said boy. The company says it's 82%, but I have read a lot of people's who were wrong. I wasn't taking it to count on it for sure anyway. Plus it said a boy result can be wrong a lot more than a girl result.

I had a dream about the baby, 2 or 3 weeks ago and the baby was a girl.

Chinese Gender Chart predicted Girl.

Also, I would like to add the old wives tale about acne to my list of girl stuff. I have had this horrible acne ALL OVER for the last at least 2 and a half months.

It is also a lot easier to choose girl names.