She has been really excited for Christmas, just
like with Halloween, she LOVES the decorations. Every time we go by a house that
is decorated she says, “Christmas House!”. We have even seen a few “Christmas
Gazebos!” There is one house close to our old house that has an inflatable
thing, it’s two snow men, a bear and a penguin. They are dressed as carolers and it plays Christmas songs. She specifically requests to go by that one.
I completely forgot that we have moved into our
new house as well. Stella has done really well in the transition from our house
to Adam’s house to the new house. She likes the new house. We got her a new
twin sized bed when we moved in. She had her first night in that in her new
room and did great. She is just getting so grown up.
Yesterday it was freezing cold and sleeting when
we went out to the car in the morning. I got her in the car and said, “Hurry up
and get buckled, I’m going to freeze my butt off out here!” She very seriously
said, “Oh Mama hurry, if you freeze your butt off you won’t be able to go pee
pee!” It was so cute and funny.