Thursday, December 27, 2012
December 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Praying Mantis
Then last night we were reading The Grouchy Ladybug as our bedtime story. She really likes that book, and she has for a while even though it's a little advanced. So, we get to the page with the Praying Mantis on it. Keep in mind we have read this book over a dozen times. But tonight she said, "I don't know what a Praying Mantis is." It took me a second to understand for some reason. But I know she has never actually seen one, probably not even a picture of a real one. She said, "But I don't know what it is." So I told her, "It is a type of bug, Praying Mantis is the name of it." Then I guess she understood. But I think the word Praying was confusing her as a title.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Or Not/ Halloween!
Me: Stella can I please put your hair in a ponytail?
Stella: No, I don't like it.
Me: Please, it will look cute and keep the hair out of your face!
Me: Say, Yes Mama.
Stella: Or not...
Stella and I went on a date a couple Saturdays ago. I have been trying to get in some special one on one time with her before the new baby comes. We went to the zoo, then lunch and then got ice cream. Great day with my baby!!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
My Little Munchie
She has also gotten into saying some big words. I can tell she likes to use them, she does it quite a bit. These are her favorites, Conversation, Disgusting, Disappointed and Sanitizer.
She is so amazing and I just can't ever put it into words. I wish I could.
Friday, September 28, 2012
So Proud!
New Baby
Fresh & Clean
This morning while I was trying to get us ready to go out the door Stella spilled her yogurt drink on herself and the couch. So, I got her down and was cleaning her up. I got some new pants to put on her and she looked at them and said, "Are those fresh and clean?" It was so cute!
She is the most amazing thing I have ever done, and I try so hard to do all the right things for her.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Crazy Girl
Stella is extra hilarious today. We have a thing we do where I say do you know how much I love you? And first she always says Up to the moon and all the way back. So, today I asked her and she said All the way to Dixie Highway!
Thursday we were in the car the sun was shining on her. She was wiggling her fingers and said My shadow looks like french fries.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Lovely Love!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
She is getting so big and grown up. It is so crazy to look at videos of her from a year ago. The differences are so insane. She is so smart and really a good 2 year old. She did have a REALLY bad tantrum in TJ Maxx last weekend. Jeff was with us, pretty sure he was super embarrased. It didn't phase me too much. I am just glad I handled it without screaming at her and losing my temper. I talked her down, but it took a little while.
She LOVES the water! I am pretty sure she would just swim all day if we let her. She loves going to the lake. She is so awesome.
Here is a hilarious video of her from last weekend. This was not her first time drinking Pepsi, but she was so obsessed with it!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wow, my child talks non-stop. Every night I rock her to sleep she talks for like 15 minutes straight. She is so brilliant! A few nights ago I was rocking her and she says something I couldn't understand what she was dating so I kept asking her to say it again. Finally I realized she was saying, "I'm disappointed Mama." I could not believe she said that! She didn't give a reason why she was disappointed though. One of the cutest things she does lately is she means Naked as a jaybird, but says, "Naked as a jay burger! It's so cute.
Today she wore some shorts with a fake zipper. So, it was kind of like a vertical pocket. So, I'm putting Stella in the car and look down to the fake
zipper/pocket and there its a clump if hair sticking out if of it. I was like WTF!? Apparently she had taken clumps of the cats hair and stuck it in there thinking it was a pocket. It really tripped me it though when I saw it.
Last night I took off her diaper and it looked like she was straining. Then she said, "I'm trying to day on you!" I don't know where she got that.
She is also saying Man after a lot of her sentences. Like, "That is my toy Man!" It is pretty funny and she totally knows it!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Bad Move
Tonight I was trying to get Stella to cooperate for bed. I was using a serious tone and told her she needed to go to sleep. She said, "you're in a bad move!"
Last night she wanted to play with my ponytail, she said, "you doesn't mind right Mama?" There are quite a few things she says the phrase for but says it with the intent of a question. Like, "I can have this?"
One morning on the way to my mom's house we had to stop at the gas station. We pulled up the pump and she said, "you have to get some grass?"
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Stella was saying some if the best stuff today! I got to spend all day with her. Earlier she took this little bottle if hand sanitizer and decided she should rub it on my tits to make them sparkle. So she takes some sanitizer and rubs it on my feet. It was so funny. She has no idea what a pedicure is, but that is basically what she was doing.
Then when I was rocking her to sleep she have me a hug and said, "I love hugging you!" Then she said, "I'm your best friend Mama." It was too freaking precious! Sometimes it is stressful having to rock her to sleep every night, but I know when it's home I will miss it very much. I love her so.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Time out!
Stella and I were in the living room and the cat was in the ned room. He was sharpening his claws on the carpet for the fifth time today. So I yelled at him, "Kitty, if you don't stop sharpening your claws on the carpet..." Then Stella says, "you're going to put him in time out?"
Sunday, April 22, 2012
My Little Lady
Loss of a Best Friend
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Tape Fixes Everything
Lately I have been having to repair some of her books with tape. She likes trying to help. Tonight we were eating dinner and Jeff was acting like something hurt him. She asked, "What's the matter Daddy?" He told her his elbow hurts. She said, "Don't worry Daddy I will get some tape and fix it for you!" She said it totally serious and it was so precious.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
This morning we were getting ready to go to the Zoo so she could ride the Merry-Go-Round. She had a little duck and a little people girl in her hand. I explained to her that she could only take one, she didn't quite grasp what I was saying though. So, I tried to tell her a few more times. I asked, "Which one doe you want to take?" She said this one and this one. So I told her, no that is two, you can only take one. Which one do you want to take? She said, "I'll take the duck and you take the little girl!" as she shoved her into my hand. It was so funny! How can she be that smart!?!?!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Hey, What's the big idea?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Nothings Impossible
I put lotion on her the other night because agree apparently has bad skin like me. After I put it on her she said, "need some more glue please!" It was hilarious and later she saw the bottle and referred to it as glue.
One day in the car the sun was in her face, she can't stand it! I said, "You don't like the sun in your face?" She said, "No, turn it off please." Then I gave her her sun glasses and she said, "I feel cool with my sunglasses on!"
We were at JoAnn's today and Stella saw these containers with fake Easter eggs in them.
She picked one up and the lid fell off and they went everywhere. We picked them all up and she said, "I'm sorry mommy." I told her it was ok, but not to pick them up again because we didn't want to drop them. She said, "Yes, because they might hatch." She blows my mind how much she understands things. She is so funny.
Sometimes in the car Stella will ask me for something and I will tell her I can't get it because I am driving the car. We were in the car and it was nap time, she was very tired and cranky. She was upset and crying for no reason. So I reached back and put my hand on her leg, I said, "Hold Mommy's hand." She said, "No Mommy I can't, you're driving the car." I busted out laughing.