Stella is up to her usual shenanigans! She is so bright and hilarious. We have a ritual where we say I love you up to the moon and all the way back, then I added, and more than all the stars in the sky. Then I added, more than all the fish in the sea. And Stella says it back to me, but when she says the last line she says, "More than all the fish in the seaweed!" It's cute. She also says, "I'm am" when she means to say I am. We have been working on it though and she is getting better! She is so much fun. I am trying to get her more involved with other kids though. She is really lacking in that area. We were at the golf scramble last weekend and there were some older kids there. She wanted to run after them up a flight of stairs, but I told her no that they were older than she is and she couldn't play with them. So she looked at me and said, "Oh, I guess I should just go play by myself." It was all I could do to keep from crying. It was SO sad. :(

Having fun at the Golf Scramble for Makenzie!
Posing with Buddy Bat!
Merry go Round!
Happy Father's Day!!
Fun at the Zoo!
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